Monday, January 10, 2011

Puppy Chichuahua Blanket Coat

Above is the blanket coat I had to make for our new 3 month old puppy. This particular breed is easily cold. So, keeping it "dressed" is very important to its health. We have tried to find several xxs outfits to help keep the dog active and healthy including its collar. They are all too big for the current size dog. So, I took one of the outfits we bought, traced the outline of the outfit and downsized from there.
My only mistake in making this outfit is cutting the belly straps too small and long. Our puppy and still wiggle out of the belly part but not the head part. I had to use 2 inches of elastic on the neck to make sure it would fit over its head and not choke the neck.  Needless to say, you can see a happily content puppy after receiving first round of shots yesterday.

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